Find 10 friends who don't vote and we win.

Choose a State and sign up.

Our relational organizing platform enables the conservative new right to do their part to win in 2024.


Watch Tucker Carlson endorse 10xVotes.com at his live show in Grand Rapids, MI.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is 10xVotes?

Winning elections now requires turning out everyone who thinks like us but may not be as committed to voting as we are. Almost 2 million conservatives are registered but cast their vote less than 50% of the time. More than a third of these missed either the 2016 or 2020 presidential election. Turning out these voters is our top priority. We have identified less-dependable voters throughout the state, and we want to give you access to this valuable intelligence. 

Getting out the vote starts with people you know. We guarantee you’ll find people you know on the list.

How does it work?

Setup your account today to get access to voters who share aligned values. Find family, friends, or neighbors who are less than 50% likely to vote this November. Claim people you know to receive their voting options (i.e Absentee/Same Day Polling Locations.) 

Share with likeminded people and encourage them to do the same.

Vote. Get your people out to vote. Win!

How do I find my 10?

It’s easier than you think. Register and confirm your email, a coordinator will be in touch with you to access the list.